The Life Changing Cleanser Alternative

After a friend recently sent me a video of her taking her make up off using only the Face Halo and water I logged straight onto Amazon Prime and ordered myself a pack of 3, I cringed slightly at the price, £18 for a pack of 3 when I can go to Ikea and get 4 flannels for £1?? I went along with it though, as the assurance from my friend that these would be life changing was too persuasive to ignore and I needed all of the small wins in life that I could get my hands on. The following day, after my super speedy delivery (let's take a second to appreciate Amazon Prime) I counted down the minutes until it was time to remove the day from my face. I wet the cloth/ pad with warm water and began swiping it over my make up covered skin and to my amazement I could automatically see the pigment transferring straight onto the pad with absolutely no scrubbing. Bearing in mind this is without using any kind of cleanser, which I just could not wrap my head around. I was highly sceptical wh...