Budgeting at uni - Tips and Tricks
If you are at university or have been to uni you will understand that being a student, although with its many many upsides can be pretty darn expensive and it is really easy to feel overwhelmed by overdrafts, student finances and the reality of how much everything actually costs. Therefore, I have been trying to keep to a bit of a budget since moving away from home and I am finding that being organised and knowing how much you have allocated yourself for the week makes it all seem a lot less daunting. I know this might seem really extreme for some of you but what I find keeps me on track is when I make a note of all of the outgoings so I can work out how much I am roughly spending on weekly food shops, nights out and treat yo self moments. I then total it up at the end of the week and compare to what my weekly budget was. I personally work out my weekly budget by seeing how much I can allow myself spending for the term ahead and then dividing that by the weeks in that term. I t...