Soap And Glory Brow Archery Review

I wanted to get this post up today and as I'm spending most of the day on the train I thought I may as well get something useful done so sorry about the photos not being high quality but what can you do eh. The soap and glory brow archery pen and pencil in the shade brownie points has been on my wish-list for months now and after roaming around a substantial amount of boots stores recently to find this product my boyfriend kindly joined the hunt and managed to locate what seemed to be the last one in stock. This doubled ended sleek packaged eyebrow product did not disappoint my high expectations, the colour is a perfect match and unlike many brow products on the market is not at all orangey. The waxy pencil is not too pigmented so makes your brows look natural but still fills in a the gaps. The pen end is really unique and you can draw on single fine hairs. If you see this in boots I'd grab it quick as they seem to be in high demand and for good reason! I would also like to me...