Every Day Uses For Essential Oils

I had always believed that essential oils were purely used by hippies and had no actual benefits apart from smelling nice. Oh, how I was wrong.
Although, I don't use essential oils as extensively as some, they have been getting regular use for a variety of hacks.
I personally crack out my lavender oil on the daily, I sprinkle a few drops onto my pillows before bed and I find that as soon as my head hits the cushion at night I am instantly soothed, relaxed and the stresses from the day seem to melt away. Not only this but I also slather lavender oil onto my hips, mixed in with my body cream as I have been using it as an attempt to fade my stretch marks. Although they are definitely still very prevalent I would say that I have noticed some sort of change in the appearance of my stretch marks and even if it is a placebo, it is one I am happy to take as it has definitely increased my confidence surrounding this area which I used to be hard on myself about.

Here are some other great uses for essential oils
1) A few drops of Lemongrass oil in a spray bottle with some hot water, not only leaves and amazing smell but naturally disinfects surfaces.

2) Freshen up the bin by putting a cotton ball with a couple of drops of whatever essential oil you fancy into the bottom of the bin to help get rid of the nasty fumes coming from your week old rubbish.

3) Use 1-2 drops of peppermint essential oil in your fave tea.

4) Pop a few drops of your choice of essential oil into your bath for deep relaxation, if you fancy follow up by adding the same scent to your moisturiser for a natural perfume.

5) If you burn yourself get a bowl of ice cold water and put in 3 drops of lavender oil and soak your burn in the water for 5 of so minutes to soothe and heal. (My bestie told me this one and it really does work, thanks Oon!).

6) Combine coconut oil and orange oil for an amazing balm for chapped lips.

7) I used to put 1 drop of tea tree oil in my night time face cream before applying to help clear my skin and get rid of spots.

8) Add 10 drops of your scent of choice to your load of washing to make your clothes smell incredible.

If you're looking for more uses you can find 101 ways to use essential oils! I'll let you know when I reach the bottom of that list!

I'd love to know if you have any other tips or tricks when it comes to essential oils!


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