January Faves
This month has been a month of discovery for myself which has left me feeling really great about 2018. Health and Fitness This sounds like a bit of a rando favourite (it's more of a casual new years resolution) but this month I have really been trying to take back control, maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I think we can all agree that December comes up on top when neglecting the fruit bowl or stepping outside for a quick jog, heck even a walk! So I've been making a conscious effort to eat my greens, drink enough water, take my vitamins and do at least a little exercise every day. I have been finding it has not only increased my mood and energy but also I'm starting to feel more confident in my body again which is something I was starting to lose. Let's see how long I can keep this one up. Black Mirror This epic Netflix series has been doing the rounds on social media recently with everyone singing it's praises. I jumped on the bandwagon reasonably late ...